Trouble with your network systems? Have you spent money on a computer system that still does not operate efficiently? BoxTechs, LLC provides a variety of network and computer consulting and services for small to medium sized businesses. Our certified staff has many years of computing expertise in networking, database design and administration, web technologies, custom programming, Internet security, and internal network security solutions.
We also provide hardware services, including network and phone cabling, PC and server hardware troubleshooting and repair, printer maintenance, and network backbone installation and maintenance.
At BoxTechs, we understand that not everyone is a computer expert. We are here to assist you in whatever your computing needs may be, and will provide suggestions for real world solutions to real world problems. We are a small business that understands the issues facing small business today, and have the experience to help you avoid the inevitable growing pains of being successful.
If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. Or you can simply use the links on the right to browse our service offerings.