Database Administration (DBA)


The capabilities, complexities, and costs associated with relational database management systems (RDBMS) along with their corresponding applications have grown exponentially since E.F. Codd first developed the theory of relational databases at IBM in 1970. For the past 20 years BoxTechs has provided superior database administration (DBA) support to allow our clients to take full advantage of these systems in a productive and cost-effective manner.

We have extensive experience in multiple RDBMS systems on numerous platforms in on-premises, hosted, and cloud environments. We provide full systems support: maintenance (O/S, Application, RDBMS), monitoring, performance tuning, backups, disaster recovery (DR), high availability (HA), patching and upgrades.

Give us a call or send us an email so we can start down the path of working together to keep your databases running with optimal efficiency. We look forward to working with you!

Industry Experience:

Agriculture Bio-Tech Education Finance
Healthcare Heavy Manufacturing Insurance Light Manufacturing
Logistics Pharmaceuticals Professional Services Social Services

RDBMS Experience:

Oracle 10g/11g/12c PostgreSQL 9.x/10 – Amazon Redshift SQL Server 2000-2017

Platform Experience:

Windows Server 2000 – 2016 Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure
Solaris Linux HP-UX

In addition, we also have experience with clients requiring FDA and other regulatory compliance and validation (CFR 21 Part 11, PCI, ITAR)

Some recent projects include:

  1. Oracle 64X migration to Postgres 9.5.10/Linux 64x for social services client
  2. Performance tuning support for SqlServer Azure migration for financial services client
  3. Oracle 2008 to Oracle 2012 for global eye ware manufacturer
  4. Oracle 12c GRID install/configuration for prisoner inventory management system for regulated Department of Corrections system
  5. BAAN  upgrade/migration to BAAN for plastics manufacturer
  6. 8 instance US-EU Data Guard HA implementation for validated pharmaceutical client.  Developed enterprise-wide standard DR testing methodology
  7. Re-coding of custom monitoring application from Linux Bash to Windows PowerShell for global eye ware manufacturer