
ePharmaLearning is an industry leading pharmaceutical e-Learning company supporting clients in more than 40 countries. Our lifeline is our ability to deliver our Internet based training and meeting services without downtime. James Chapman, lead engineer at BoxTechs, was responsible for ensuring that ePharmaLearning's systems and networks met the demands of our clients: 7 of the 10 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world... Many times James worked into the wee hours of the morning to verify our systems could support our growth and our network would be up 24/7. -Lance Converse Founder & CEO ePharmaLearning, Inc. www.epharmalearning.com

BoxTechs, LLC
ePharmaLearning is an industry leading pharmaceutical e-Learning company supporting clients in more than 40 countries. Our lifeline is our ability to deliver our Internet based training and meeting services without downtime. James Chapman, lead engineer at BoxTechs, was responsible for ensuring that ePharmaLearning's systems and networks met the demands of our clients: 7 of the 10 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world... Many times James worked into the wee hours of the morning to verify our systems could support our growth and our network would be up 24/7. -Lance Converse Founder & CEO ePharmaLearning, Inc. www.epharmalearning.com